About BachWerk
BachWerk is a Brussels choir and orchestra performing classical music in Belgium and beyond.
BachWerk was founded in 2013 to overcome a gap in Brussels’ classical music scene between the largest, well-established, community music groups, and professional chamber choirs.
Made up of around 30 singers, and 10 to 20 players, BachWerk sits in between. Our aim is to produce a clear, quality, and full, sound.
The name, BachWerk, is derived from Johann Sebastian Bach’s collection of music (called the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis or BWV) because Bach is our starting point and our repertoire is anchored around Bach. But we also perform music by other composers and covering other eras, from Renaissance to contemporary classical music. You can take a look at our past concerts here, and what’s coming up here.
We work with different conductors for each concert giving our singers and players the opportunity to experience different interpretations and work to the best of our abilities, and for our audience to enjoy a fresh sound. You can see videos from some of our recent performances here.
Our sell-out premiere concert in December 2013 was Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, and this is a masterpiece we have returned to several times since.
As a young, still relatively new, choir, we have been privileged to have new classical music written especially for us by Belgian-American composer, David Miller, and to have worked several times with the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of their superb conductor, David Navarro Turres. BachWerk has performed in Germany, Belgium and Austria and we are always interested to hear about new opportunities.

Besides the aim of performing to a high standard, BachWerk is also about getting together with friendly and talented people, and appreciating fantastic, challenging and exciting classical music.
If you would like to be kept up to speed with our latest concerts, click here, to join our mailing list. We would also be delighted to hear from you about potential sponsorship opportunities.
Join us! We are always delighted to hear from singers, players, conductors and members of the audience with ideas or suggestions for possible future projects. The choir rehearses on Sunday evenings. We currently have a vacancy for one tenor and one bass. Come to a rehearsal and try it out. Contact us for details. We are currently looking for a front of house manager. If you are enthusiastic about Classical music, we need help behind the bar, selling tickets and programmes, get in touch. Thanks for your support!